Thanks to all readers - I just updated the look on my blog for a more fresh look. I will do try to write my own entries :) soon!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Winter in Seoul pt III - Send it here!

Feeling pretty hungry
Listening to 회상 - 터보
It's about -5' Celsius outside and maybe 10' Celsius inside
I am at a LAN shop in Jungnangu, Seoul

Just got my housing information. Pretty intimidating, alright. You know what's really funny? They listed my name as (my name). Sounds like some pill. Here, have a (my name), it will help you with your headaches.

Mailing Address: (don't forget to write the recipient's name!)

Box 2892 Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05753

From off-campus, call:

Wow, I didn't even expect a house phone in the dorms! So nice of them. They like me already.

Oh, and my roommate's name is Pathik R. Root. Where do you think he comes from?

Pathik Root. Pathik Root.

Sounds Middle Eastern, but his last name betrays everything.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Nice blog... u need to add a "Follow Me" option though... for people like me. ;)
    LINK UP! :p
