Thanks to all readers - I just updated the look on my blog for a more fresh look. I will do try to write my own entries :) soon!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 257: Sweet Sunday

Feeling bitter
Listening to Turbo - 회상

Why is it that when I most need another one to talk to, I can't find anyone? Why do I present to the world a happy image of myself when I am bruising and hurting inside? Why do I feel so fine and well and yet my heart throbs, my face tenses, and the tears come? Why do I tell myself that I am doing alright when I am not so? Why is it that I tell myself a lie, and believe?

I feel happy, act happy, and yet then when I'm all alone, when it's late at night, and I'm left all to my own devices, why does everything dissolve and boil down to nothing? When I'm in the dark and broken apart, why do all my efforts seem fruitless and my good ambitions to have failed? Why does everything seem so hollow?

Why does it seem that I have nowhere else to run, and nothing else to hold on to? At the same time, why is it that I feel like letting go of everything and laying down wherever I may be to just hold my hands up to the sky and scream?

Why am I surrounded by kind people and friends yet I have no one? Sometimes I just want to hug someone and rest my head on them, but I can't. It doesn't matter who, even.

Why is the most comfortable pillow so much less comforting than another human, even without words? Why is a shoulder, however bony, softer than the softest feathers? How is it that we feel a sense of relief when we crumble under the pressure and unleash the tears we held up inside?

1 comment:

  1. Bobin, this post wrenched my heart. I think this kind of feeling resonates with many other souls. And one way or another, we have gone through that phase and those questions. Maybe what we need isn't the answer to those questions but the courage to go out and find what we need to quiet our soul.

    I hear you, bro, tho I may not know what's going on. But you're not alone in this. Love you.

