Thanks to all readers - I just updated the look on my blog for a more fresh look. I will do try to write my own entries :) soon!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter in Seoul pt VI

Winter in Seoul pt V

Some captions for the pictures ^^

2. This is the seat reservation panel for one of the study floors at Se-jong University, 1 in the morning.
5. Our ears were so cold that we had to thaw them with hot bottled milk.
6. The apartment room I live in with my grandmother and cousin.
9. That's my other cousin; he was sleeping over.
10. The park next to our apartment...

Winter in Seoul pt IV

Feeling bittersweet
Listening to nothing...
It's 1:21 AM and about -4' Celsius outside
I'm at a LAN shop in Jungnangu, Seoul
(by the way, Jungnangu is a district on the outskirts of
Seoul - random fact of the day!)

Wow. This phenomenon is always mysterious (I don't even know how to describe it): time flies.

And time does fly. It's been 9 days already since I've arrived here, and it's already time to go. Even though I have no friends here, the stay was very enjoyable ^_^ My cousins took very good care of me, and bought me BBQ and other Korean food!

Korean food is very delicious, by the way. Earthy stuff.

It's 1:30 AM right now.

By 11 AM, I would be on my way to the Incheon international airport, and by 4:30 PM, I would be on an airplane headed towards Los Angeles, California.

Yeah!! Abe and UCLA...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Winter in Seoul pt III - Send it here!

Feeling pretty hungry
Listening to 회상 - 터보
It's about -5' Celsius outside and maybe 10' Celsius inside
I am at a LAN shop in Jungnangu, Seoul

Just got my housing information. Pretty intimidating, alright. You know what's really funny? They listed my name as (my name). Sounds like some pill. Here, have a (my name), it will help you with your headaches.

Mailing Address: (don't forget to write the recipient's name!)

Box 2892 Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05753

From off-campus, call:

Wow, I didn't even expect a house phone in the dorms! So nice of them. They like me already.

Oh, and my roommate's name is Pathik R. Root. Where do you think he comes from?

Pathik Root. Pathik Root.

Sounds Middle Eastern, but his last name betrays everything.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Winter in Seoul pt I

Feeling comfy
Listening to the loud humming of a snack vending machine
It's almost 2 in the morning and -13' Celcius outside
I am inside the student lounge at Se-Jong University in Seoul

The most drastic change from Thailand to Korea is the difference in climate. So much that I can see my breath - while I think it's cool, my 26 year-old cousin laughs at me.

Ah, climate. I didn't think Seoul would be this cold. Or more like... I didn't think it would get any colder than the first day here. And nature has been telling me I'm wrong these past couple days. It's getting colder and colder every single day, and as far as I know, it's like peak time right now.

Heh, why am I not surprised? I have to wear gloves and leggings before going outside, even during broad daylight just so my fingers won't go purple. And then I start wishing the weather was warmer - something you never do in Thailand, ever. Sometimes my facial muscles become stiff, so it's pretty funny when I try to talk - it's all slurred (and my cousin laughs at me).

Your ears go numb, too. Your brain tells you that your fingers are touching your right year, but your right ear doesn't tell your brain to tell you that your fingers are touching it right now, because the right year that's being touched by your fingers right now ar.. Yeah.

I don't know if this would be interesting to you or not, but during nighttime, your breath can stay visible in the air for FOUR seconds! I counted this. No joke.

The puff of air from your mouth floats in the air, starts drifting away, then disappears in a huge nuclear explosion. I witnessed this. No joke.

Then there are some crazy girls who wear short skirts with no leggings, tights, nor (long) socks in this crazy weather. Some just wear shorts. It's like me wearing my swimming drunks outside. They're crazy, I tell you. Wait, they are usually pretty, so only the ones that are not pretty count in the "crazy" list.

Ha ha, just kidding.

PS: My flight to LAX got delayed to January 30th, Friday. I'll probably be getting there 10:15 in the morning, or at least that's what my ticket says.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Checkpoint #1: Seoul, Korea

Feeling unjokingly cold
Listening to the commentary on a pro StarCraft match
It's very sunny and -8' Celcius outside
I'm at a LAN shop in Jungnangu, Seoul

I have a list of some interesting observations I've made (and plain, pointless things to tell about) since I got here on the morning of January 21st, but since I honestly don't have the time (or more like will, haha) right now to explain each one in fun, juicy detail, I'll leave the rest to your creative and imaginitive minds:

- It's so, so, so frigidly cold and windy (even in bright sunlight) that I enjoy going outside to feel the pain. Oh, I have to wear gloves or stick my hands in my pockets or else it will feel like dipping my hands in ice water. No joke. And when I actually wash my hands in the public bathrooms, the cold is so excruciating that I don't really feel anything until after I take my hands out.
- My knuckles are all chapped, chapped, and... uhh.. chapped. Oh, they're purple as well. Yes, even when inside. I'm so not ready for cold weather.
- I still have kimchi for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's good.
- The LAN shops here are 20 baht-equivalent an hour, and the internet is so fast that you can stream ANYTHING. Even HDTV live.
- I feel that the BTS & MRT company in Bangkok is full of selfish, moronic puppets. They cover only the more densely populated areas that serve the rich rather than the poor. Here in Korea, the subway covers virtually everything. Excuse any misjudgments here, because Bangkok's city planners were horrible from the start. No offense, it's true.
- Online shopping here is very, very convenient, though it has its ups and downs. If you make an order, the shipment/order usually arrives the next day. If not, the day after. Usually.
- Professional StarCraft and WarCraft gamers here are so skilled that their gameplay almost blew my mind. No joke.
- Public transportation is relatively expensive to Thailand's, but it's very convenient.
- You know the financial crisis that's going on right now? In Bangkok, you don't really "see" much of it, but here in Seoul, you can really feel its effects. A lot less taxis, local businesses all closing down, rising unemployment, etc etc. You can just see it. It's like.. amazing (but not really).

Okay, I have to go.
Much more to type up later.

Have a good day.

PS: Sorry, I still haven't bought a card reader yet. I hope to really, really soon.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Vermont = Nowhere

Feeling a bit lonely
Listening to the commentary on a gaming e-TV show

Dear my concerned and nosy reader,

Hello and welcome to my humble blog!

To tangibly keep in touch with my family and friends, I will do (or at least try) regular updates on my whereabouts and health - yes, very interesting topics, aren't they? - that will mostly be about my next four years of life both in and out of Middlebury College.

I'll try really hard to keep my writings interesting, so that I will know that people enjoy reading what I write, which then leads to: better self-esteem, self-confidence, motivation, increased happiness... Just kidding.

So, here's the real deal:

Where am I coming from
Bangkok, Thailand

Where am I going to
Middlebury College in Vermont, United States of America

Did I get a US visa
Thankfully, yes

When does Orientation start
Morning of February 3rd for international students, 4th for everyone else

When does the school semester start
Morning of February 9th

Why am I going to school 6 months later than everyone else
Midd (short for Middlebury) terms start on two different times a year: September and February- I applied for both, and they gave me February

What am I doing until school starts
Trying to be productive with my time left in Thailand, and visit a few places before heading to Vermont, the Nowhere
I arrived at Seoul, Korea on January 20
I'll be heading to Los Angeles on the afternoon of January 27 to visit Abe Park and UCLA
Then, I'll be going to New York, NY on February 2, and from there, I'll have to make my way to Berlington, Vermont by either bus or train (and I think I'll be figuring that out later)

Do I know my college dorm address
No, sorry. I'll get that during orientation

What am I majoring in
I have no idea right now

That's pretty much it for now. Any questions, just put 'em in the comment box.