Thanks to all readers - I just updated the look on my blog for a more fresh look. I will do try to write my own entries :) soon!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 298: You and I

from reddit
by arcadeguy
Here's my favorite memory that took place with you and, likely, my favorite memory of all of my memories:
It was the day you drove down to visit me in the Dells after we had recently broken up. I had worked 35 hours the previous three consecutive days. You arrived, and I got to introduce you to my friends, and then we went grocery shopping and came back to the apartment to make dinner and watch a movie.
I am trying so hard to articulate the significance of that day to you, yet I am completely failing. Ever since I can remember, I have worried incessantly about finding a career that I enjoyed because I could not imagine going to work each day unhappy with it. But that one day with you, that single, bracketed eight hours of time with you hit me over the head with this brick of clarity -- that I was so content with spending the rest of my time with you that very little else mattered at all. I had an amazing family and an equally wonderful few friends, and you. Whether I disliked anything else would never have mattered again because, at the end of it, I would have been able to come home to you. Sweet, funny, beautiful, loving, wonderful you. That was it. After all of my worrying, job-switching, moving, idle days, you made everything make sense and be okay. Better than okay.
You were so young, and I was so naive to think that, at that point in time, it would all just magically work out. I am, more than you could believe, so sorry that you had to go through all that and that I wasn't responsible enough to think more with my head and less with my heart. I would never say that I wish I could go back and change any of it, but I'm still sorry. Additionally, I am sorry that I've allowed talks like this to go on for the past two years. There is no part of me anymore that wants (or believes we could) simply pick up where we left off. There's no part of me that thinks either of us could be the same people we were before. There is a large part of me (all of me, actually) that remembers exactly how it felt to love you so completely, though, and would always be willing to try it again from the beginning, consequences thrown to the wind.
I don't know what else to say.

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