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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 96.5: If Gas Prices Bother You, Walk. If You Hate Your Job, Quit. If Your Life Sucks, Change it

Guest author: V from Violent Acres

If one more person complains to me about the rising gas prices, I’m going to snap and break his fucking kneecaps.

Every morning, when I check the mail, my neighbor gives me a little wave and makes some disparaging comment about how the gas prices are killing him. And every morning, I want to ram his fucking newspaper right down his fucking throat because he’s the first person to hop in his car to drive to the corner store that is less than 1 mile away.

Fuck him. And fuck anyone else who wants to bitch and moan about gas prices, but can’t be bothered to take a walk. Or ride a bike. Or walk into their place of employment and say, “Hey guys, I was thinking about organizing a carpool. Anyone interested?”

I’m sick and tired of people treating life like it’s something that just happens to them. Everyone is oh so helpless and no one has any control over their situation. They act as if they’re trapped or incapable of changing their situation. It’s pissing me off because I’ve never seen so many people happy imagining themselves as victims of circumstance.

A friend of mine hates his job. Every fucking morning, he calls me to complain about how much he hates his job. His boss is an asshole. His coworkers are gossipy, incompetent fools. The work he’s doing is soul crushing and depressing. There is overtime and shitty benefits and a long commute. Yet, every morning, he is in the process of getting ready to go in.

I tell him the same thing every day, “You really need to just quit that job.”

“But I caaaaaan’t,” he whines, “If I left this place, I’d have to take a pay cut. And I need at least $35,000 a year just to survive.”

Fuck that. There are people in third world countries who survive on $5 a week. Hell, even in America it’s possible to survive on significantly less than $35,000 a year. Personally, I think my friend needs to be a little more discriminate when he evaluates what he needs to survive. Working a job that doesn’t make him want to stick a fork in his eye should be closer to the top of his goddamn list.

I can’t get over how many people out there who seem content to bitch about life as opposed to actively working to change it. As a society, are we addicted to pain, depression, and drama? Or do we honestly feel helpless, weak, and ineffectual?

I honestly have no idea, but it’s putting me in a bad fucking mood

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